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Thursday, February 7, 2013

go to https://www.facebook.com/groups/SolarSchool/ for an edited updated version of post about "What is your electric power company meter really doing?"

See below about that and a discovery. Previous post describe the PSO-AEP default power meter setting that take or do not give you credit for power you send them.

I met with 4 AEP-PSO local authorities 2/6/2013 Wednesday out here at my humble homestead in Sand Springs, OK, and now I know more of why and how they manage what they call "net metering". The answers may surprise you and now I know why Oklahoma receives an "F" among only 2 states when we could qualify for an "A" if more were educated in this state to understand the importance of encouraging the use of sun and wind power among other forms of clean, green, and renewable resources for electric power generation. Also I now know how their expensive digital meters work (the I-210+c by General Electric) which they would not tell me the cost of them. Verbally they said out of 6 million some odd customers in 11 states for AEP, only 1000 customers have net metering. Oklahoma AEP-PSO has managed to discourage payment of excess power from green energy by not paying for it in their monthly billing cycle. We can change this if we protest to the Oklahoma Corporation Commission to change that such that the power companies have to pay at least wholesale rates back to those generating more than they use in the month billing period.

The first picture is one of several screen shots that the meter will provide, each different. This show the total amount of energy that I produced over and above the amount of energy that I used from the power company. The upper LCD display shows 000005 which at that time I produced 5 KWH from the time the meter was installed. Below that it shows 07 which is just the name/number of the storage register that the information is stored - a storage register. At that time you can see an arrow pointing left and some dashes which were moving from right to left meaning I was producing power that the power company was getting since I was producing more than I was using at that time.

At the end of the month, they take the total that I was delivered and subtract what I produced for that month from the ongoing numbers for both. Unless you have a whole lot of panels or wind turbine power, you will likely never provide them with more than you get from them so you will only reduce your bill accordingly. For a month prior they had the meter set up to not give me any credit for what I produced. See other posts to explain their reasons for that which center around security however amount to taking energy without payment or credit for people like me that were producing power via grid-tie. Now that I am "official" they are at least accounting for it and supposed to credit me for the power I produce but not for over what I use per verbal but plan to change that soon.

The second picture shows Oklahoma's Grade is still "F" by the DSIRE graders. The only 1 of only 3 in the USA.

I looked again and there are 3 states with an "F" grade. I downloaded the pdf of that presentation too. Go to http://freeingthegrid.org/# see presentation and see the map. Oklahoma has a grade of "F". Georgia & South Carolina are the other 2 states with a grade of "F".
— at GBreisch.com.

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